J4 Cattle

J4 cattle company is owned and operated by Joseph Edward Adams IV, also known as Seth. Seth is a 4th generation cattle raiser in the New Waverly, Texas area. His love for the Brahman breed dates back to when he was a kid hearing stories and seeing pictures of his grandfather and his J.D. Hudgins Brahman Bulls. This is what began Seth’s passion to be in the brahman business. This passion was greatly encouraged by his friend and mentor, Mr. Johnny Gnemi with Silent G Ranch. Seth purchased his first Brahman bull and multiple sets of heifers from Mr. Gnemi, and there has been no looking back.
Mr. Gnemi retired from the brahman industry at which time Seth purchased additional Silent G cows, heifers, and semen with the goal of keeping the bloodlines of these world renowned brahmans thriving. J4 Cattle utilizes several of Mr. Gnemi’s JDH Mr. Elmo Daughters in his donor cow program, along with the addition of Noble, Yeti, Boomtown, Lawford and other genetics with the mission of providing J4 Cattle’s customers with sound and quality cattle that will carry on for generations to come.

Contact Us
Physical Address:
568 FM 2693 Rd E
New Waverly, TX 77358
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1246
New Waverly, Tx 77358
Ranch Manager:
Joshua Smith
Phone: 559-313-2442
Email: josh@rebtx.com