F1 Program
About F1 Cattle
F1 females are highly regarded in the cattle industry because of their heterosis, or hybrid vigor. This trait is achieved by crossing two different species, like Hereford (Bos taurus) and Brahman (Bos indicus) cattle. This allows the calves to have exceptional traits from both breeds. Braham genetics bring heat and disease tolerance, environmental adaptability, high milk production, and high fertility. While Hereford genetics incorporate high quality marbling and excellent maternal qualities.
The exceptional first cross of two different species is even greater when those animals are registered. Therefore, the American Brahman Breeders Association created the ABBA F1 Certification Program and why REB TX Land & Cattle participate in the ABBA Golden Certified program.
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Contact Us
Physical Address:
568 FM 2693 Rd E
New Waverly, TX 77358
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1246
New Waverly, Tx 77358
Ranch Manager:
Joshua Smith
Phone: 559-313-2442
Email: josh@rebtx.com